Sunday, June 10, 2012

Entry 4

(I have always been fascinated by the huge oxygen generators that we tend to take for granted. Think of it: These giant machines, built at strategic spots around the planet, are the structures that enable us to survive outside the small encampments we were forced to build when we first reached to the stars. They're a symbol of freedom to me; without them we are trapped in relatively tiny shelters. This is a note I wrote on the beach near the first generator shortly before it was retired from service.)

Somewhere near our core is a violent impulse, and so there will always be men and women who choose force to get their way.

But at our very deepest place, we mean no harm to others. Our deepest and highest impulse is to peace – to leave others alone and to be left alone to enjoy this life, this world, this universe.

Perhaps here, perhaps now, we may build on this world a commonwealth where all have so much plenty that none have the urge to take lives and property by violence.

Entry 5. That word 'commonwealth'

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